Aquele sentimento que é a plenitude da beleza, que completa totalmente a alma. Ápice do deleite.
Além da felicidade, apogeu. Íntimo, único e lírico. Máximo, lépido e épico. Eu quero.

quarta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2007

Too much books.

I've been reading books for 89% of my time. Latelly my choice has been about teenagers like me, living all the trouble on an american high school behind the shadows of the joks and cheerleaders. But what kind of book heroine would I be?? The really short girl, in white skin and brown eyes and hair, chubby, TOO CHUBBY. The one with no real friends, that can't even speack english that well. Well, in the books I've been reading all heroines start like that. However, in the end they end up finding they prince charming in the strangest way possible. The thing is that the object of my afection is not the President's son, or the reencarnation of King Arthur and really not a vampire. It is simply this kid in my bio class, not even a jok. He is in the swim team for God's sake. And I'm not even close to my happy ending, he barelly notices that I'm there. Well, no boy does actually. I think that extreme chubby girls don't get a happy ending. In the books, always something laime happen and the girl and the boy meet, like when she's running on the park (I don't run), or in the drawing class, or the bio class! That's it! We did met in the bio class. However, he did not notice me. At all. And then, something really cool happens, and they realize how much they love each other, like she saves the President's life or something. And of course, some magic thing will happen and the boy (who happens to be the hottest in school) will leave the blond cheerleader and live happily ever after with the not-that-attractive brunnette heroine. Is it that I'm not in love with a jok guy? This really doesn't matter, that vampire guy wasn't in the football team anyway. High School is hard, especially if you -like me- are not in the In Crowd. Not that I care, of course. But with all those books, man, I wish I had my prince charming. NO! He is not even that charming. He is just this kid with a messy light brown hair who wears pijama pants almost everyday to school. He is funny, and so, so cute. And it is not that I've never tried to talk to him, believe me, I sure did. The problem is that I don't know what to say when it comes about boys! Yeah, I know. I have no change. But maybe, maybe if tomorrow during my bio class I go up to him and aks im out then he will totally say yes! Not. Who am I kidding here? There is no chance. I'm not in the book heroine list. I told you. chubby girls don't get the guy. You know what? I think I will probably go looking for a more-good-looking-dangerous-like-the-book-characters guy. Who knows? Maybe tomorrow I will ran into this kid who is a werewolf, or Harry Potter, or the football capitan, or something. Than he saves my life against this giant snow monster who wants to eat me due to this ancient prophecy who says that I'm the great-grat-great-great-grand doughter of this Queen that he was in love long time ago and dumped him for the, you know, hot guy. And then. I will find my happy ending. (Probably running for the monster I will lose all those pounds and stop being the chubby one.)

3 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Ana bebeth...
só vim comenta.. :p
leio tudo que tu escreve, aki..
toda hora vejo se escreveu algo novo.. ve se segui escrevendo asim seguidoo.. que eu me interto lendo.. :p
só naum gostei muito dessa historia de escrever em ingles .. que eu não intendoo.. tudooo assimm...
mas quasee tudoo..
mas era iisso.. eu achoo..
pra ti.. e ve se naum morre de frio ai :p

Anônimo disse...

firstly.. you're not chubby.. i am..
and besidfes.. you don't know what's going to happen if you ask him out.. i'd suggest you try. maybe once you do you'll end up seeing that he's not as 'cool' as you thought he was or something.
you never know...

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